Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Centennial board members joins new national advocacy group - 00redesign

Centennial board members joins new national advocacy group - 00redesign:

Centennial board members joins new national advocacy group

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Posted: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 1:09 pm | Updated: 7:59 pm, Wed Aug 7, 2013.
Centennial School Board member Mark B. Miller was recently appointed to a new national public education advocacy group, the Network for Public Education.
The network is a national advocacy group that supports grass-roots efforts to defend public education from attempts to privatize, and market public education for corporate gain.
“We want to strengthen grass-roots groups' ability to mobilize and support candidates that are willing to defend public education,” said Anthony Cody, a founding member of the group’s board of directors.
The group was founded by Diane Ravitch, an author, professor and education researcher from New York, and Cody, a middle school teacher and blog author from Mendocino County, Calif.
Both Ravitch and Cody knew Miller from his public education advocacy work in Pennsylvania.
“He’s been a real staunch advocate for public