Tuesday, August 6, 2013

8-6-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

A Little Andy Borowitz Humor for a Warm Summer Day - Enjoy
Mr. Bezos said he had been oblivious to his online shopping error until earlier today, when he saw an unusual charge for two hundred and fifty million dollars on his American Express statement. Amazon Founder Says He Clicked on Washington Post by MistakeRead more at newyorker.com
UFT History, Early Years from "City Unions", Chapter 8
We bought a few copies of this book which covers some fascinating early history of the UFT and pre-UFT with lots of detail on the political machinations and Shanker's consolidation of power. There is so much info packed into these 19 pages I have to read it again. The UFT did a great series by Jack Schirenbeck that covers some of the same ground but somewhat cleansed, as you would imagine. This la
Newark Teachers Union Update: President Del Grosso Boycotts Ex Bd as Attempt to Bar Newly Elected Fails
Even when you win they try to make you lose. For those that aren't aware, NEW now controls a majority of seats on the EB and Del Grasso only won by 9 votes. Good for NEW Caucus for handing this professionally. Two background reports from Ed Notes:NEW Caucus Shakes the Union Election Tree in ...Jun 25, 2013 Newark Teacher Union Election News UPDATEDAnd this:  GREAT piece written by our friend Lois
PS 29 Parents Call Out Principal From Hell Jennifer Jones Rogers
.....she came with a smile on her face and poison in her veins... Ms. Jones was argumentative disrespectful, and rude to every parent that I have ever spoken with. ... Dennis, parent at PS 29.The comments have continued to fly over at SBS blog -- over 150 so far, including Rogers' mother and husband who made what I consider a threat (more on that in follow-up posts.)Here I will extract some commen
The Howler Howls at Maureen Dowd for Puff Piece on Quinn
The Daily Howler does quite a number on Maureen over her Sunday Review column on Quinn (Who’s That Candidate in the Teal Toenail Polish?), which I found rather strange in a number of ways given what Dowd often writes about: Weiner's weiner. Or Clinton's weiner. I officially call on all mayoral candidates to reveal the color of their toenail polish (mine is purple in case your wondering.)Some highl

8-5-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Bill de Blasio Makes His Move - Will UFT Members Move With Him?Mr. de Blasio argues that Ms. Quinn and Mr. Thompson have been either unwilling or unable to sufficiently challenge the legacy of the mayor and the city’s corporations over the past decade. .....Mr. de Blasio’s message, despite the excitement it has drawn from liberal luminaries like Alec Baldwin and Howard Dean, has a