Friday, August 23, 2013

8-23-13 teacherken at Daily Kos

teacherken at Daily Kos:

A few thoughts on the intelligence apparatus
which I wrote in a free-flowing discussion on a private list.  Since these are my thoughts, and I do not quote or refer to the words of anyone else, I feel free to share them here. Make of them what you will. -----  do not grant to the military-intelligence complex the right to determine for itself what are legitimate functions and targets of intelligence gathering.  Surely in a system whose gover

Eugene Robinson: GOP in Fantasyland
The make-believe crusade by publicity-hound Republicans to somehow stop Obamacare is one of the most cynical political exercises we’ve seen in many years. And that, my friends, is saying something. That is the opening paragraph of this Washington Post column in which the Pulitzer Prize winner takes apart those Republicans who are arguing for the GOP to somehow defund or otherwise stop the continua

Don't worry, I haven't vanished
even though I have not even been posting comments. This is teacher prep week at my new school. I have had tons of meetings. I have had tos et up my classroom, which was somewhat interfered with because my room was one of four places for the rotations for professional development rotations on Monday morning and this morning. I hope to post a book review of a book on education over the weekend. I am

8-18-13 teacherken at Daily Kos
teacherken at Daily Kos: interesting insights on how Brits react to uscan be read as a part of Ta-Ta, London. Hello, Awesome., written by Sarah Lyall, who spent 18 years in the UK as a correspondent of sorts for the New York Times. Several paragraphs jumped out at me: And so a country where even Conservatives are proud of the nationalized health service cannot comprehend a system that leaves tens