Thursday, August 22, 2013

8-22-13 plthomasEdD at Daily Kos

plthomasEdD at Daily Kos:

Schools Matter @ the Chalk Face: An Alternative to Accountability-Based Education Reform | National Education Policy Center
Schools Matter @ the Chalk Face: An Alternative to Accountability-Based Education Reform | National Education Policy Center

 Class Grades: The Unintended Lessons from Florida
Since I am quick to criticize the media for its role in the failures of the current education reform movement—such as PBS, The Charleston Post and Courier, and Education Week—I must also recognize when a media outlet provides much needed insight into education policy that has clearly run off the tracks, such as the so-called Florida miracle and the enduring practice of assigning letter grades to s
8-21-13 Radical Scholarship
Radical Scholarship: What We Know Now and An Alternative to Accountability-Based Education Reform | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal NewsWhat We Know Now and An Alternative to Accountability-Based Education Reform | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News1 by P. L. Thomas / 3h Daily Kos: Class Grades: The Unintended Lesson