Wednesday, August 21, 2013

8-21-13 Missouri Education Watchdog

Missouri Education Watchdog:

MO Legislators - Here's The Follow Up You Need to Ask
The following email was sent to all Missouri legislators from DESE. Will any of them ask the follow up questions that need to be asked? Dear Legislator, You may have heard about Missouri’s state assessments for English language arts and literacy and mathematics changing in 2014-15 to reflect school districts moving to the Common Core State Standards. We wanted to tell you more about these asses
Common Core Aligned Math in Your Student's Backpack: Here's Proof it's Really Not About the Wright Answer.
Disclaimer: I know the word "wright" in the above title is misspelled and that's the point of talking about the Common Core aligned math homework coming home in your student's backpack.  You got the gist of my meaning and that's the most important emphasis of the message, right? There have been many articles the last few days about the teacher who was filmed on video stating the correct ans

8-20-13 Missouri Education Watchdog
Missouri Education Watchdog: Common Core Graphic Seen in School. Unattainable Goals and Free Stuff.I've heard from many parents who are horrified at what they have seen and heard on the first day of school.  This was seen on the first day of school somewhere in the United States (the teacher's face was cropped to protect her identity): Sounds like utopia.  Let's examine this teacher's graphic: All