Tuesday, August 20, 2013

8-20-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Groups In Maine Look To Get Ballot Measure To Repeal Common Core Passed
And the Common Core opposition juggernaut rolls on:AUGUSTA, Maine—Two Maine groups opposed to new educational benchmarks most states are using for reading, writing and math are working toward a statewide vote to repeal them, a step that is believed to be the first in the country. Maine is one of the 45 states that have adopted the Common Core Standards since 2010 with the aim of better preparing s

Commenters At NRO Respond To Jeb Bush
 A commenter responds to Jeb Bush's call for an education marketplace to improve public education:"The reason there has been little innovation in public education is there has been little competition. We are confronted with opposition from unions and bureaucracies because they fear the loss of jobs and bloated pensions. We need an education marketplace that gives families a myriad of options. Th

Elmore Leonard
Dead at 87.His rules for writing: These are rules I've picked up along the way to help me remain invisible when I'm writing a book, to help me show rather than tell what's taking place in the story. If you have a facility for language and imagery and the sound of your voice pleases you, invisibility is not what you are after, and you can skip the rules. Still, you might look them over.  1. Never o

Forget The Bandwidth, Give Schools More Counselors, Psychologists And Social Workers
President Obama wants to increase Internet access and bandwidth in schools.So does Scott Stringer.What I am going to say may be heresy in this over-technologized age where everybody is on their cell phones every moment of the day checking their email, Twitter account and Facebook page.But forget the Internet access and broadband increase for schools.It's not that important.Seriously.Do you know wh

Needing To Quantify Everything
Diane Ravitch:The other day, I was involved in an extended online discussion about proficiency and accountability with about 50 people, mostly inside the Beltway. These are big names, people who make decisions that control your child’s life in school. I got more and more exasperated as the various think tank experts waxed on about how and why parents NEED to know how their child compares to childr
8-19-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School:  Education Reformers Are Trying To Smear Common Core Critics As Know-Nothings And CretinsFormer NY Times editor and current columnist Bill Keller attacked opponents to the Common Core standards as a "very loud, often paranoid, if-that-Kenyan-socialist-in-the-White-House-is-for-it-I’m-against-it crowd." Keller acknowledges that there are opponents to the standards on the left