Friday, August 2, 2013




Brian Jones interviewed by Reclaiming the Conversation on Education
“The students, the learners themselves have to have power.” Brian P. Jones Saw this on Tumblr this morning and wanted to disseminate it. Last spring I participated in a conference at Barnard College called Reclaiming the Conversation on Education. At one point, someone pulled me into a classroom to do an interview about the landscape […]

Let the Excuses Begin: Defending the Status Quo!
Smells like a lot of excuses coming from the “no excuses” crowd—and a heaping serving of status quo gravy on top: The most embarrassing posting on Education Week ever (and that’s saying a lot): Rick and Tony

James Baldwin (Aug. 2, 1924 – Dec. 1, 1987) | the becoming radical
James Baldwin (Aug. 2, 1924 – Dec. 1, 1987) | the becoming radical.

Reflections on BOCES PD re: Second Grade Math
Yesterday, I went to a BOCES offered “training” in the Math Modules for second grade. I made the choice to attend this and the upcoming one about ELA modules simply because I wanted to see and hear what other teachers are saying AND to find out what the BOCES employees have been told in Albany. […]
8-1-13 Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: John Merrow, Welcome to Our World of the IgnoredAt his Taking Note blog, John Merrow laments: “The op-ed below has been rejected by four newspapers, three of them national publications. One editor’s rejection note said that Michelle Rhee was not a national story.” On Twitter, Rachel Levy, though, noted: “That @John_Merrow story that no one will print? I did so 2.5