Friday, August 16, 2013

8-16-13 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

B'Bye Bowen
Another one of Jeb! Bush's Chiefs For Change moves on to greener pastures: Maine Education Commissioner Stephen Bowen announced Friday that he will resign effective Sept. 12 to take a job with the national Council of Chief State School Officers, according to a statement from Gov. Paul LePage. Bowen, who was appointed by LePage in March 2011, has been at the center of the governor’s ambitious an

Dear NJ Teacher Voting For @GovChristie: ARE YOU INSANE?!?!
Dear Fellow NJ Public School Teacher Getting Ready To Vote For Chris Christie This Fall: Are you out of your freakin' mind?!?! Christie presented his major accomplishment as breaking the back of public-sector unions with government employees while simultaneously wooing private-sector unions.  “We have the endorsement of 24 building-trade unions,” he said. “We have an opportunity as a political

A Crib Sheet for the Rhee/Perry Tour
Looks like someone is desperately trying to become relevant again: Michelle Rhee wants to have a candid conversation with her fiercest critics.And she’s asking local teachers union leaders and activists — long her most vocal opponents — to be a part of each event.  According to the invitations sent Wednesday, Rhee’s goal is to bring teachers and their union representatives into the wider conver

8-15-13 Jersey Jazzman: Criteria, Norms, NASCAR, and Driving Tests in NY
Jersey Jazzman: Criteria, Norms, NASCAR, and Driving Tests in NY: Criteria, Norms, NASCAR, and Driving Tests in NYHere's a bit of completely made up news: the New York State Education Department is taking over driving exams for the state's Motor Vehicles Department. As we all know, the unacceptable rate of accidents on New York's roads is due to a lack of "rigor" in driving instruction. John King,