Thursday, July 11, 2013

UTLA: 85% of teachers rate superintendent below average | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC

UTLA: 85% of teachers rate superintendent below average | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC:

UTLA: 85% of teachers rate superintendent below average

UTLA president Warren Fletcher layoff hearings

Tami Abdollah / KPCC

UTLA President Warren Fletcher in 2012. He says the union's teachers aren't happy with the superintendent's performance.
L.A. Unified's teachers' union has again come out swinging at the superintendent, releasing a survey showing 85% of teachers gave Superintendent John Deasy a below average or poor job performance rating.
“The district is not headed in the right direction,” said United Teachers Los Angeles President Warren Fletcher.
Criticism of L.A. Unified's superintendents has ebbed and flowed from UTLA leadership for more than a decade. Much of the criticism comes at budget time, when the superintendent proposes a spending plan and the teachers union criticizes those initiatives. Most recently, Fletcher and Deasy went head to head over the teachers' union's criticism of the Deasy-led program to serve breakfast in the classroom. Deasy won that skirmish.
The 25-question survey, sent out this spring, asked unionized teachers whether Deasy is spending L.A. Unified's money wisely, evaluating teachers fairly and abiding by the teachers union contract. The final question asked them to rate Deasy’s overall