Friday, July 12, 2013

Tony Bennett-Prioritizes Common Core-PARCC in School Grade Recommendations | Scathing Purple Musings

Tony Bennett-Prioritizes Common Core-PARCC in School Grade Recommendations | Scathing Purple Musings:

Tony Bennett-Prioritizes Common Core-PARCC in School Grade Recommendations

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In his letter detailing his recommendations to the Florida BOE Commissioner Tony Bennett wrote:
…….Between now and the 2012-2015 school year the biggest issue confronting our schools is the successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). I believe every action we take in the intervening period of the time before the rollout of new assessments aligned to CCSS must be done with this in mind. This is especially true with regard to our state’s accountability framework a model that has rightfully earned both accolades and admiration from across the nation.

Scathing Purple Musings has detailed how invested Bennett is in the success of Common Core-PARCC. And it’s becoming clear that the “rollout” of Bennett’s baby around the country is mirroring that of Obamacare.  Miami Herald reporter David Smiley has