Wednesday, July 3, 2013

“THE SKY IS FALLING!!!” – “Shh… No, Governor, it’s not,” said The Committee of Ten. | Reclaim Reform

“THE SKY IS FALLING!!!” – “Shh… No, Governor, it’s not,” said The Committee of Ten. | Reclaim Reform:

“THE SKY IS FALLING!!!” – “Shh… No, Governor, it’s not,” said The Committee of Ten.

When a bunch of politicos attempt to publicly steal several billion dollars from elderly teachers, an attempt is generally made to give a valid reason for the the sake of posing heroically for future campaign photos.
“THE SKY IS FALLING” isn’t a sufficient reason, unless the sky is actually falling. Which the sky is not – not falling, that is.
 chicken little1
The Illinois Committee of Ten‘s sole purpose is to steal even more than the previously misappropriated theft (underfunding) legislators inflicted upon pension fund obligations to pay for anything their little politico hearts desired, except pension funds of course. Illinois is famous for this stuff, that is why so many politicos become obscenely wealthy while several have also served prison terms.
Illinois Is Broke – Not!
The pension funds are bankrupting Illinois – NOT!
The pensions of little old lady teachers and grizzled, grumpy, old fart male teachers are