Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Apollo Group and its for-profit University of Phoenix is bilking teacher pension funds, taxpayers and students for hundreds of millions of dollars | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News

The Apollo Group and its for-profit University of Phoenix is bilking teacher pension funds, taxpayers and students for hundreds of millions of dollars | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News:

The Apollo Group and its for-profit University of Phoenix is bilking teacher pension funds, taxpayers and students for hundreds of millions of dollars

For-profit predatoryUniversity of Phoenix shows itself to be a serial criminal enterprise
What can one say about a so-called university and its owners where thirty-two state Attorneys General have worked together to investigate a ‘tax-subsidized university’ and many of them have continuously pursued allegations against it?  We are talking about the Apollo Group, owner of the University of Phoenix (UOP) one of the largest criminal enterprises in the world and a notorious serial violator of the law.

The University of Phoenix is a serial criminal financial organization and in this article it will be important for the reader to see the multiple and egregious acts of the UOP and its mother company, the Apollo Group.  The Apollo Group and its subsidiary, UOP is little more than a financial investment bank posing as an educational organization and the bad news is that it receives the bulk of its revenue and investment funds