Thursday, July 18, 2013

Students Last: Replaceable You

Students Last: Replaceable You:

Replaceable You

A chart from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics illustrates
that eventually every American will be a teacher
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a teacher? Well whether you have or you haven't, odds are that one day you will be employed as a classroom teacher. On Tuesday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report which predicted that by the year 2025 100% of Americans over the age of 24 will have worked as a teacher at some point in their life.  Statistician Anzahl Lugner elaborated, "Given current trends, we feel it is inevitable that every American will eventually be able to say that he or she is or was a teacher."

How is this even possible? Lugner explained, "You've got baby boomers retiring coupled with the inevitable effects of linking teacher evaluations to student test scores. Throw in an improving economy which has increased options for educators who feel disrespected, disgruntled and overworked. It's kind of a perfect storm." In fact, Lugner anticipates that in the very near future a 'veteran teacher' will be someone who has taught for