Monday, July 1, 2013

Push to Implement Common Core “Idiotic” “Without Real Scrutiny or Debate” | Scathing Purple Musings

Push to Implement Common Core “Idiotic” “Without Real Scrutiny or Debate” | Scathing Purple Musings:

Push to Implement Common Core “Idiotic” “Without Real Scrutiny or Debate”

Three influential education policy experts penned an opinion piece for the New York Daily News in which they effectively explain why the “backlash” against Common Core standards “is now in full swing.” Former U.S. assistant secretary of education and Hoover Institute fellow Williamsom Evers joined CATO Institute scholar Neal McCluskey and one-time Massachusetts associate education commissioner Sandra Stotsky gave five compelling reasons why CCS needs to be set aside:
First, creation and adoption of these standards has violated the traditions of open debate and citizen control that are supposed to undergird public schooling.
Though preliminary drafts of the standards were released to the public, the standards were written behind closed doors by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers — private organizations — and copyrighted. There is also no public record of the meetings