Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Preventing a disaster | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Preventing a disaster | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

Preventing a disaster

It’s not easy being me.
How would you feel if you had the power to foresee a tragedy in the near future, know that you have the power to help prevent it, yet also know that the beneficiary of your help does not want your help, does not believe she needs your help, and pretty much tells you, indirectly though, not to offer your help?
This is the position I find myself in.  I’ve been following a blog called ‘And I thought Orgo Was Hard’ (I am not putting a link here, intentionally) for the past few weeks of a corps member who will soon be teaching middle school science in North Carolina.
At the end of one of her posts she wrote:
One last note I wanted to make: Please do not read my blog if you have negative thoughts/comments. This blog is for my friends/family. Shpanks :)
So I am not her family and not technically her ‘friend,’ and my thoughts / comments could be construed as negative, I suppose, though I hope they will be seen in a different way.  And I’m sure that her friends / family would not like this new CM to have to go though the torture she might if I didn’t warn her with this post, so I’m going to do it anyway, and everyone can get