Tuesday, July 16, 2013

OPINION: Could Superintendent Deasy be replaced with an iPad?

OPINION: Could Superintendent Deasy be replaced with an iPad?:

OPINION: Could Superintendent Deasy be replaced with an iPad?


David LyellJuly 2, 2013, wasn’t just another day. On that day, there was a LAUSD School Board meeting unlike any other in recent memory.
Each year, at the first LAUSD Board meeting in July, the seven School Board members (laschoolboard.org) vote to elect a president. While the School Board president doesn’t have expanded powers, the position affords an opportunity to set the tone, run Board meetings, and work closely with the superintendent to determine meeting agendas.
At the July 2 Board meeting, three members began a four-year term: District 2 Board Member Monica Garcia, District 4 Board Member Steve Zimmer, and District 6 Board Member Monica Ratliff.
When the U.S. Supreme Court wrongly ruled (my opinion) in 2010 (Citizens United vs. Federal
- See more at: http://intersectionssouthla.org/story/opinion-could-superintendent-deasy-be-replaced-with-an-ipad/#sthash.CqaqSddY.dpuf