Friday, July 19, 2013

Official TEA analysis of Texas HB 5 is now available — but there’s a catch | Education Blog

Official TEA analysis of Texas HB 5 is now available — but there’s a catch | Education Blog:

Official TEA analysis of Texas HB 5 is now available — but there’s a catch

The Texas State Board of Education is meeting this week. And members got what’s called a “Briefing Book on Public Education.” Which is also available to the public. The link is here.
Be warned: It’s 165 pages long. It covers the K-12 ramifications of every relevant bill passed during this past session, including HB 5. But it is not organized by bill. Instead, it’s organized by where the changes fall in the various official regulatory codes. So the first item is from HB 2103, amending Section 1.005 of the Texas Education Code and adding Section 1.006. The second item is from SB 833, amending section 7.029 (b-1). The third is from HB 1296 adding section 7.040. And so on, all the way to SB 1705′s amendment to Section 521.165 of the state Transportation Code.
So if all you want to know is what effects HB 5 will have, there’s no easy way to find just that in one place.
On the other hand, there are some interesting nuggets scattered through the book that I wasn’t aware