Friday, July 5, 2013

NEA RA. Common Core, common sense and common ground. | Fred Klonsky

NEA RA. Common Core, common sense and common ground. | Fred Klonsky:

NEA RA. Common Core, common sense and common ground.

JULY 5, 2013

When I voted with the majority in favor of a New Business Item that called for an end to assessments driven by Common Core standards, I thought about the relationship of standards to high stakes tests.
When the NEA Representative Assembly began, I overestimated the degree to which there would be debate on the RA floor over the Common Core standards.
I did not make that same mistake when it came to the degree of anger over the use and misuse of standardized testing, both in general and testing driven by Common Core implementation.
There have been several New Business Items that condemned high stakes testing in one form or another. All of them passed by big majorities.
In an earlier post I tried to analyze the differences among classroom educators when it came to the Common Core. I would say that the second group, those who