Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Name Games with ESEA Reauthorization | Lily's Blackboard

Name Games with ESEA Reauthorization | Lily's Blackboard:

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Name Games with ESEA Reauthorization

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed another bad bill with a good name.  We all remember the last time.  No Child Left Behind.  Good name.
But angelic names always hide their devils in the details, and what we’ve come to know as No Child Left Untested has devastated students, demoralized teachers, and marginalized support professionals. Reward programs seeking to boost test points by any means necessary have corrupted the meaning of teaching and the meaning of learning. And educators looked to reauthorization to bring some sanity back into our public schools.
H.R. 5 is called the Student Success Act.  Good name.  But the devilish details show that it’s a bad bill.  Just dig around the websites of the advocates of poor