Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Viral Video Message to the 2013 TFA CMs | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

My Viral Video Message to the 2013 TFA CMs | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

My Viral Video Message to the 2013 TFA CMs

Recently there has been a lot of good discussion about the pros and cons of TFA.  It started this summer with Katie Osgood’s An Open Letter to New Teach for America Recruits which has gone ‘viral’ and already has 500 comments.  Alex Morgan, A blogger here at wrote a competent, but generally weak, rebuttal called My Open Letter to 2013 Corps Members.  Then this past weekend there was a conference in Chicago where there was a session run by TFA alumni who are opposed to the direction TFA has chosen to go in.  I was not an organizer of this event, though I was invited to participate, but I couldn’t make it.  I’m glad that it happened without me since it shows that I’m not some lone vigilante doing this.  Juice Fong, a TFA staff member, wrote a bizarre post about this event called Open Letter to Anti-TFA Folks at Free Minds Free People Conference which here at, diddymath wrote a nice response called Some Anti-TFA Blowhard Lights a Torch.  This TFA push-back from within is getting a lot of coverage, which is giving more and more people the courage to speak out including, just today, someone who was a staffer for three years in Phoenix giving a very revealing interview to Valerie Strauss in The Answer Sheet in A former Teacher For America manager speaks out.  Exhausting, isn’t it?
I’ve been somewhat quiet this summer.  I’ve been busy with my kids, and teaching a graduate level course at City College and also trying to exercise and catch up on some T.V..  I even