Wednesday, July 10, 2013

John White: “I’ll Just Tell Them Reforms Are Working.” | deutsch29

John White: “I’ll Just Tell Them Reforms Are Working.” | deutsch29:

John White: “I’ll Just Tell Them Reforms Are Working.”

July 10, 2013

I have learned that if John White writes something it must be true.
Today among the letters to the editor at is an entry from John White. Despite his history of lying, hiding data, hiring non-educator, overpaid, pro-reform-minded TFA spawn and other opportunists just like himself; despite his proved incompetence to supervise charter schools, his failed, overpaid voucher effort, his thwarted attempts to siphon MFP monies away from community schools; despite his promoting inflated schools performance scores, his contracting to send student data wherever he wishes–despite all of this established self-serving, deceitful, disruptive, distorted behavior, the readers of simply must trust what John White has to tell them.
Let us examine what John wishes for his readers to believe and then discuss the opposite (i.e., the truth), shall we?
White’s letter is entitled, “Reforms are improving student performance, opportunities.”
As to the first part of the title, “reforms are improving student performance”:  ”Student