Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Greetings from Choice-o-Rado | EduShyster

Greetings from Choice-o-Rado | EduShyster:

Greetings from Choice-o-Rado

The ‘C’ is for ‘Choice’
Is there such a thing as too much choice? Reader: this is what is known as a rhetorical question—and the rhetorical answer is “no.”But don’t allow me to make up your rhetorical mind for you. I insist that you accompany me on an extra-special field trip, to the choiciest burg in our 50 states: Douglas County, Choice-o-Rado. Regular readers will recall DougCo from ourinaugural visit and a recent return. What brings us back again? In a word: choice. In a matter of weeks the lucky children of DougCo, Choice-o-Rado will resume traversing the global achievement gap and hurtling towards world class outcomes, drawing ever closer to the snowy caps of Prosperity Peak. Now, thanks to the visionaries at the helm of the Douglas County Schools, these young prosperity prospectors have a little extra ballast in their backpacks. Reader: it’s called choice, and no one understands it better than DougCo’s youngest choice makers.
Beginning this fall, DougCo’s students and their parents will have a veritable choice-u-copia of choices from which to choose. In fact, the school district’s new niche model, in