Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fightback Against Racist Queens HS Principal Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública: Fightback Against Racist Queens HS Principal

Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública: Fightback Against Racist Queens HS Principal:

Fightback Against Racist Queens HS Principal

Racism Still Prevails Among Many Bloomberg MisEducation Principals
Build the People's Board Of Education!

It is a high school created for the children of immigrants; many students speak only Spanish when they arrive. The educators here, who spoke exclusively to Eyewitness News, say it requires a principal who is comfortable with racial diversity, but they say that is not the kind of principal they have now. 

At the building that includes Pan American International High School in Queens, John Flanagan says he knew he was not his principal's favorite teacher.

"She had something against me, personally," he said.

The principal is Minerva Zanca, who took over the school last year. Educators call her intimidating, but they did