Friday, July 26, 2013

An Open Letter to Badass Supporter of Public Education Jon Stewart | teacherbiz

An Open Letter to Badass Supporter of Public Education Jon Stewart | teacherbiz:

An Open Letter to Badass Supporter of Public Education Jon Stewart

Dear Mr. Stewart,
You were a badass when The Jon Stewart Show was the second highest rated show on MTV—right behind Beavis and Butthead.
You were a badass when you made appearances on Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons, American Dad, Spin City, NewsRadio, and that episode of The Nanny–but you were a super badass when you sang “Songs” with the Sesame Street characters on Elmopalooza.
You were a badass in a bunch of movies, but especially Death to Smoochy.  (Lol.)
You were a badass when you hosted the Oscars and the Grammys, despite being “deloused” and strip-searched before your monologue during one of them.
You are a badass for producing and directing Rosewater; and, of course, you are a daily badass on The Daily Show.
But most importantly, you are a total badass because you consistently support and defend teachers against critics who call them lazy, greedy, and overpaid–and against reformers like Michelle Rhee who seek 


Badass Teachers Association

This is for every teacher who refuses to be blamed for the failure of our society to erase poverty and inequality, and refuses to accept assessments, tests and evaluations imposed by those who have contempt for real teaching and learning.