Thursday, July 18, 2013

A new K-12 funding system demands new thinking in building local budgets | EdSource Today

A new K-12 funding system demands new thinking in building local budgets | EdSource Today:

A new K-12 funding system demands new thinking in building local budgets

July 18th, 2013 | Add a Comment 

This shows the distribution of additional money (in green) under the Local Control Funding Formula when fully funded. The district at left, with no high-needs students, will receive additional increases only in base funding, totaling $8,000 per student. The district in the middle, where 60 percent of its students are high-needs (about the statewide average) will receive $9,100 per student. The district at right, with 100 percent of its students high-needs, will get $11,300 per child. The orange band shows what districts will get this year, the first of a projected eight year phase-in period: $180 per student for districts with no low-income children, foster youth and English learners; $312 per student for districts with the statewide average; and $576 per student for districts with only high-needs students. (Source: School Services of California, Inc.)