Friday, June 28, 2013

Tony Bennett’s “Assessment Regimen for Common Core” Evasion | Scathing Purple Musings

Tony Bennett’s “Assessment Regimen for Common Core” Evasion | Scathing Purple Musings:

Tony Bennett’s “Assessment Regimen for Common Core” Evasion

Both Rick Scott and Tony Bennett have learned not to take on a room full of teachers by themselves. So when time came for yesterday’s roundtable discussion both were there to respond to 40 state teachers of the year. James Call of the Florida Current provides this comment from Bennett:
“The implication of Common Core will be one of the largest policy implications lifts the states have engaged in the history of education,” Bennett said during the talk with about 40 teachers. “In the very near short-term we’re going to have to make some decisions  about what will be the assessment regimen for Common Core — if you were going to ask me what is item No. 1 for the next 30 to 60 days, that’s item No. 1.”
Bennett can’t bring himself to say “tests” and weaseled out with a wonkish “assessment regimen.” You can be