Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Three Florida GOP Congressmen Sign Letter Opposing Common Core, Data Mining | Scathing Purple Musings

Three Florida GOP Congressmen Sign Letter Opposing Common Core, Data Mining | Scathing Purple Musings:

Three Florida GOP Congressmen Sign Letter Opposing Common Core, Data Mining

Wonder if they realize they’ve just taken a walk on the wild side to Jeb Bush’s woodshed.
Florida republican congressmen – Richard Nugent (FL 11), Trey Radel (FL 19) and Ted Yodel (FL 3) were among  a group of 34 republican representatives who signed a letter  to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan saying “states had been coerced into choosing the standards.” Topeka Capital-Journaleducation reporter Celia Llopis-Jepsen describes the letter as indicating  ”the standards may not be overtly federal but that Duncan’s department used incentives and policy decisions to push states into them.”
The letter embedded in Llopis-Jepsen’s article states:
 Though initially promoted as state-based education standards, Common Core Standards as they have developed over the last few years, are nothing of the sort. In just one very troubling instance, Common Core Standards will replace state-based standardized testing with nationally-based