Monday, June 17, 2013

The Washington Teacher: Longer School Day & Longer School Year Up Ahead for DC Public Schools Teachers & Students!

The Washington Teacher: Longer School Day & Longer School Year Up Ahead for DC Public Schools Teachers & Students!:

Longer School Day & Longer School Year Up Ahead for DC Public Schools Teachers & Students!

By Candi Peterson
Vote Davis Slate for WTU
 Liz Davis /Candi Peterson
WTU Can Be Better!

Earlier in March 2013, DC Public Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson announced to the Washington Examiner newspaper that she was seeking to implement a longer school day and a longer school year. According to a schools spokesperson, DCPS was not ready to release the details at that time since contract negotiations were ongoing with the Washington Teachers' Union (WTU).

On June 11, Confirmation of Chancellor Henderson's plans to lengthen the time DC students and teachers spend in school came when she announced to the City Council Round Table on Public Education, "A LONGER SCHOOL DAY and YEAR IN THE COMING YEAR, WILL SOON TO BE MADE PUBLIC." 

So it seems the details of Henderson's plans as well as information on teacher raises will be revealed in the upcoming Washington Teachers' Union Tentative Agreement (T.A.). It's not surprising why WTU's PresidentSaunders failed to mention in his Sunday, June 16 robo call to union members the longer school day/school year, but emphasized teacher raises.  One might speculate that the timing of the release of the WTU Tentative Agreement is no coincidence as the news of a longer school day and school year may not be the kind of news teachers and school staff want to hear and could propel some union members to cast their vote