Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Educated Reporter: How a St. Louis Story Became a Toronto Education Scandal

The Educated Reporter: How a St. Louis Story Became a Toronto Education Scandal:

How a St. Louis Story Became a Toronto Education Scandal

Aisha Sultan, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's parenting columnist, was searching the Nexis digital archive of newspaper articles last week when a troubling pairing caught her eye – her name, and the word “plagiarism.”

Clicking on the link to the Toronto Star, Sultan learned she unwittingly had played a not-so-minor role in a major scandal for Canada’s largest school district. And it had all unfolded five months earlier, nearly 800 miles away.

Chris Spence, the director of Toronto’s public school system – the Canadian equivalent of an American superintendent –  resigned in disgrace in January after it was determined his opinion piece published by the Star contained material plagiarized from several sources, including the New York Times. Numerous additional