Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Educated Reporter: Guest Post: Is Third Grade Retention a Help or Hindrance?

The Educated Reporter: Guest Post: Is Third Grade Retention a Help or Hindrance?:

Guest Post: Is Third Grade Retention a Help or Hindrance?

 We asked some of the journalists attending EWA's 66th National Seminar, held at Stanford University in May, to contribute posts from the sessions. You can find additional content, including video, at EdMedia Commons. Dave Murray of the Grand Rapids Press is today's guest blogger.

Educators are pretty clear that children need to read at grade level by third grade so they can use that skill to learn other subjects. 

But what if they don’t? 

More states are embracing the idea of holding back those students to repeat the third grade. Researchers Martin West (Harvard University) and Shane Jimerson (UC-Santa Barbara) squared off in a passionate – and