Friday, June 28, 2013

The Committee of Ten and the 4th of July: Making a Mockery of Democracy | Reclaim Reform

The Committee of Ten and the 4th of July: Making a Mockery of Democracy | Reclaim Reform:

The Committee of Ten and the 4th of July: Making a Mockery of Democracy

On July 27 I received a bunch of mail with 4th of July ads. Mattresses, groceries, hardware store stuff, the whole works. Independence Day 2013.

Big deal.
In Illinois The Committee of Ten was appointed and met on July 27. Yes, appointed. Why? To decide how to break the Illinois Constitution and the U.S. Constitution in order to open the gates to plunder teacher pensions, demean teachers and dismantle public education.
This is also going on in Florida, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Oregon, Washington – basically nationwide. The states all claim the same crisis with different causes but one solution, plunder. Why? No person in his or her right mind