Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Show Me the MOU! | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Show Me the MOU! | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Show Me the MOU!

Today, June 18th 2013, John White and BESE are meeting to try and persuade the public of the need for participating with external Cloud Based vendors like Ed-Fi and inBloom. At the last BESE meeting (several months ago) White promised to released a copy of the MOU/agreement between LDOE and inBloom. To date John White has not released this document, even in response to several Freedom of Information Act requests filed by Tom Aswell at Louisiana Voice and BESE member Lottie Beebe. Demand to see that MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) before they leave today or move on to another topic. If they report no such document exists I recommend appealing to the DA to file charges against White for a million cases of Identity Theft.
Below is a cheatsheet of relevant questions to ask any DOE stooge who tries to deliver a presentation on how wonderful inBloom and data Clouds are:
(FYI – Chas and White may try to spin bus routes as an example of a non-educational use of data, but don’t let them.)

  • Why is DOE sharing actual name dob and SSN instead of just the de-identified GUID built internally for