Sunday, June 30, 2013

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools This Week

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools This Week:

Seattle Schools This Week

 To note, it appears there will be no other district/Board meetings after the July 3rd Board meeting until early August.

Wednesday, July 3rd
 School Board meeting at 4:15 p.m. - Agenda 
Even during the sleepy summer months, a lot is happening.  At this meeting, the Strategic Plan will be voted on.

The Board will heard a report about FERPA re: Common Core and the student data "cloud." (I will be putting out a white paper on this topic so look for that.)

The Board will vote to extend the Superintendent's contract by one year to June 2016.  (They are not considering a raise until after bargaining agreements are done and the district's budget is set.  I personally would not be for a raise at this point in time.  Apparently, according to the item, there is no public input sought on the issue of a