Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky

Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky:

Ten minute drawing. Nobody is listening to your phone calls.

phone calls

Click on image to enlarge.

Saturday coffee.


No time to sit over the coffee this morning.
Anne and I are headed to the Printers’ Row book fair. I think it is named for that daily rag in the tower up Michigan Avenue. But I still call it by the original name.
We have tickets to hear a talk with Art Spiegelman at the Harold Washington Library.
Spiegelman is the cartoonist who drew the graphic novel, Maus.
As readers know, I have played with cartoons here over the past year.
But I am not even in the farm system of the league Spiegelman is in.
He is arguably the inventor of the graphic novel form.
Speaking of art.
The treatment of the WPA murals in the CPS schools that will be closed is still is reverberating.
If it weren’t for the parents at Trumbull, artist and friend Ellen Gradman, other parent activists like Cassie Creswell and this blogger, the murals would be in storage this morning.
We made some noise and the big media got a hold of it and CPS had to back down.