Monday, June 10, 2013

Recent Q and A with Chicago Students | Bill Ayers

Recent Q and A with Chicago Students | Bill Ayers:

Recent Q and A with Chicago Students

  1. Is the corporatization of education something new or has it been around for a while?

The struggle for the heart and soul of public education is long-standing and constant. Here we live in a capitalist society where the inevitable conflict between the interests of the majority—or even the 99% —and the wealthy plutocrats is always in play, and where powerful private interests are always angling to make a profit—and succeeding in different ways at different times—off of anything and everything. But we are witnessing today a phenomenon that was unthinkable just a few decades ago: the attempted wholesale destruction of public education and the selling off of the schools to private managers and profit-makers.
This is part of something much larger: capitalism in its zombie-phase—dying and dangerous. Look around and notice that every part of the public square and every public responsibility is suddenly for sale (parks, highways,