Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rebutting (again) the Persistent Flow of Disinformation on VAM, SGP and Teacher Evaluation | School Finance 101

Rebutting (again) the Persistent Flow of Disinformation on VAM, SGP and Teacher Evaluation | School Finance 101:

Rebutting (again) the Persistent Flow of Disinformation on VAM, SGP and Teacher Evaluation

This post is in response to testimony overheard from recent presentations to the New Jersey State Board of Education. For background and more thorough explanations of issues pertaining to the use of Value-added Models and Student Growth Percentiles please see the following two sources:
  • Baker, B.D., Oluwole, J., Green, P.C. III (2013) The legal consequences of mandating high stakes decisions based on low quality information: Teacher evaluation in the race-to-the-top era. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21(5). This article is part of EPAA/AAPE’s Special Issue on Value-Added: What America’s Policymakers Need to Know and Understand, Guest Edited by Dr. Audrey Amrein-Beardsley and Assistant Editors Dr. Clarin Collins, Dr. Sarah Polasky, and Ed Sloat. Retrieved [date], from
  • Baker, B.D., Oluwole, J. (2013) Deconstructing Disinformation on Student Growth Percentiles & Teacher