Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Reaction to State Budget - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education)

Reaction to State Budget - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education):

Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Issues Statement on State Budget

SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today offered the following statement regarding the proposed state budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year:
"This budget puts California where it belongs: leading the way in the drive to bring the Common Core State Standards to life in our classrooms and prepare students to contribute to our state's future. Dedicating more than $1 billion to training teachers, buying new materials, and investing in technology will help ensure that all children, no matter where they come from or what school they attend, receive the kind of world-class education they deserve.
"The progress made by the Governor and legislative leaders to put more decision-making in the hands of local school districts and direct more resources to the students who need them most is nothing short of historic. I'm also grateful for the work done to preserve funding for priority programs like career-technical education, which plays an important role in strengthening California's economy.
"While it will take years to replace the resources our schools have lost, I'm grateful that this budget marks a substantial start in the recovery of our education system, including a modest restoration of funding for critical early learning programs. While no budget is perfect, this is one a teacher can be proud of."
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  • Education Budget - Public school funding is the largest program in the state budget, receiving more than 40 percent of the state's General Fund resources. The 2012-13 state budget includes $38 billion for kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) education.
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Tom Torlakson — State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Communications Division, Room 5206, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100