Sunday, June 23, 2013

Public Education Suffering from Parasitic Profiteers - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Public Education Suffering from Parasitic Profiteers - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Public Education Suffering from Parasitic Profiteers

Paul Krugman's recent column describes the unproductive forms by which many of our largest and most profitable corporations are making money. As I read, I got a disturbing image in my head. In education, it seems as if our leaders are purposely re-engineering the system to introduce a plethora of profit-seeking parasites into the workings of our schools.
To understand what I mean, let's begin by defining what is essential to a wonderful school. Think of the Lakeside School, attended by Bill Gates himself several decades ago, and now by his children. Lakeside's website says this about their program:
Lakeside's 5th- to 12th-grade student-centered academic program focuses on the relationships between talented students and capable and caring teachers. We develop and nurture students' passions and abilities and ensure every student feels known.
Each student's curiosities and capabilities lead them to unique academic challenges that are