Monday, June 24, 2013

Perdido Street School: Did Joel Klein Help Break Up Rupert Murdoch's Marriage?

Perdido Street School: Did Joel Klein Help Break Up Rupert Murdoch's Marriage?:

Did Joel Klein Help Break Up Rupert Murdoch's Marriage?

Read the entire Michael Wolff piece on Rupert Murdoch's impending divorce to his third wife, Wendi, for a Game of Thrones-like story of familial intrigue, plotting and backstabbing within the Murdoch family and News Corp inner circle, but definitely take note of what happened to Rupert's marriage to Wendi when Joel Klein came aboard:

In a world whose main currency was having Rupert's ear, Wendi had altered the balance of power, to the consternation of executives and family. There followed the orange hair; the Prada suits; the kooky diets. And there was the discordant Wendi voice: not just her accent, widely mocked, but her straightforwardness: her mentioning Rupert's Viagra in Vanity Fair; and her own often hilarious jibs, complete with mimicry, albeit with a Chinese accent, at the other members of Murdoch family.

What to do about Wendi became a major corporate and family preoccupation – and a constant worry for Murdoch himself. Buying the most expensive apartment in New York and having her 

94% Of Regents Exams Graded As Of 1 PM Monday

According to Gotham Schools, 6% of the city's Regents exams still need to be graded.

Tests are still being scanned by McGraw-Hill and teachers sat around the grading centers today with nothing to grade.

Wednesday is the last day of school.

I cannot remember a Regents exam grading season as chaotic as this one.

Will there be some accountability for the Tweedies who put this system into place and signed off on the contract with McGraw-Hill?

NY Times Anthony Weiner Twitter Victim Story Is Finally Posted

You can read it here.

Goes through how the lives of the women Weiner sexted with have been upended.

It reinforces his scumminess (one victim says she never engaged in any sexual communication with Weiner before he sent "an image of himself in boxers, with an obvious erection"), it humanizes these women and helps you to empathize with them, but unless I'm missing something, it doesn't break new ground in the story.

When all is said and done, unless they took something out of this story, I don't see why they didn't leave it up when they accidentally posted it last week.