Sunday, June 9, 2013

Perdido Street School: Bloomberg: Keep My Education Policies In Place Or NYC Goes Back To The "Taxi Driver" 70's

Perdido Street School: Bloomberg: Keep My Education Policies In Place Or NYC Goes Back To The "Taxi Driver" 70's:

Bloomberg: Keep My Education Policies In Place Or NYC Goes Back To The "Taxi Driver" 70's

Because only Bloomberg and his policies can keep NYC running:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg today warned that should his successor, whoever that might be, not follow his lead on education and crime, the city risked a return to the bad old days.

"All I can say is, whoever follows us, if they don't continue improving the school system and giving the parents choice and letting people who want to start schools like charters, you're gonna see people saying, 'Wait a second, if I can't send my kid to school here, I'm gonna move," said Bloomberg today, during his regular Friday morning radio appearance on the John Gambling Show.

"Same thing happens if crime goes up, same thing happens if