Friday, June 21, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Letters to the Sun-Times

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Letters to the Sun-Times:

Letters to the Sun-Times

Steven L. Kispetik, Portage Park
CPS closings devastating for my son 
Thank you so very much, Chicago Public Schools, for erasing all the progress my son has made with his behavioral/emotional disorders while at Near North Special Education School, which will be closed next week. The anxiety of the closing has caused him to revert to several of his old destructive and disobedient ways.
Prior to the announcement of the school closing, he was doing the best he has ever done, with the support of the Near North staff. He was scoring high and on a Gold level almost daily for several weeks. Since then, he has dropped down to the second-to-last level on the behavior charts and constantly talks about how he won’t see his teacher, Mr. Cunningham, again...  READ THE REST HERE.
CTU Pres. Karen Lewis
Karen Lewis: Time for investment, not austerity 
We are on the cusp of massive reductions in library, art, music and special