Monday, June 10, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Back from Portugal. Little has changed.

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Back from Portugal. Little has changed.:

Back from Portugal. Little has changed.

Well, vacationing in Portugal was nice but it's always great to be back home, sleeping in my own bed and getting back into the swing of things. Also, getting back to work. summer quarter starts next week and someone's got to pay for all that bacalhau and natas.

Glad to see nothing's changed much back home in the past week. Rahm's still the most hated man in town -- even the cops hate him.

Two dead and 17 wounded in weekend shootings. Rham will probably say we're behind last year's schedule and declare another victory in the war on gangs.

The machine still has both ends covered with corrupt union leaders like John Coli, who runs the Teamsters like a