Thursday, June 27, 2013

Make and Take the Time to Reflect, Refresh, and Recharge — Whole Child Education

Make and Take the Time to Reflect, Refresh, and Recharge — Whole Child Education:

PodcastWhole Child Podcast

Make and Take the Time to Reflect, Refresh, and Recharge

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Summer for educators is often a time to look back on the past year—and look forward to the coming one. What worked, what didn't, and what will you change? Educating the whole child and planning for comprehensive, sustainable school improvement requires us to be "whole educators" who take the time to recharge, reflect, and reinvigorate. Where should we put our effort? What aspects of a whole child approach to education are most critical to us right now?
In this episode, we discuss educators' need to reflect on the past school year, refresh their passion for teaching, recharge their batteries, and look ahead to next year. Host Kevin Scott, a former history teacher and current director of constituent services at ASCD, is joined by
  • Peter Badalament, a former social studies and English teacher and dean of students, is currently the principal of Concord-Carlisle High School in Massachusetts. He is a member of ASCD's Emerging Leaders program and a past president of Massachusetts ASCD.
  • Jason Flom, a former elementary teacher, is currently director of learning platforms at whole child partnerQ.E.D. Foundation where he works with education leaders, educators, and students to build, inspire, cultivate, and sustain transformational learning practices that empower all learners. He is also a member of the ASCD Emerging Leader program and a board member of Florida ASCD.
Extend your reflection with the tools mentioned in the episode: the Edutopia article "Transformation Begins with Reflection: How Was Your Year," "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" (PDF) by Peggy McIntosh, and the Transformational Change Model. Both guests also recommended their favorite personal