Sunday, June 23, 2013

Join me ‘live’ tomorrow on my internet video talk show | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Join me ‘live’ tomorrow on my internet video talk show | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

Join me ‘live’ tomorrow on my internet video talk show

It has been a while since I’ve done an episode of ‘Talking Ed.’  Last year I did four episodes which, unfortunately, were wiped out when Spreecast’s server crashed.  Now, with the school year almost over, and with TFA inductions and institutes starting to happen, I’ve decided to do another live show tomorrow, June 24th at 9:00 PM EST.
Go to this link to watch or participate.  You can participate on camera or anonymously through typing questions and comments during the show.  If you want to be a guest, let me know.

Randi Weingarten and I discuss miracle unionized charter school on Twitter

Yesterday I noticed what I considered an unusual pair of re-Tweets by Randi Weingarten, president of the UFT.

Weingarten is one of the few people on ‘my side’ of the ed reform debate who I have never met, personally.  She was portrayed as the ‘villain’ to Michelle Rhee’s ‘hero’ in ‘Waiting For Superman’ and also a main character in Steven Brill’s book ‘Class Warfare.’
Though Randi Weingarten is so often accused of not putting students first, she often frustrates teachers by