Friday, June 28, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Congratulations Gary Rubinstein and Arthur Goldstein!

Jersey Jazzman: Congratulations Gary Rubinstein and Arthur Goldstein!:

Congratulations Gary Rubinstein and Arthur Goldstein!

Last week, the eldest Jazzboy graduated from one of New Jersey's pubic high schools: you know, the schools of which Education Commissioner Chris Cerf says:
This data “will make clear that there are a number of schools out there that perhaps are a little bit too satisfied with how they are doing when compared with how other schools serving similar populations are doing."
The Jazzboy's own high school is so overhyped that he will be attending one of the top dozen research universities in the country this fall; many of his classmates will also be attending extremely competitive colleges and universities, including several Ivy-pluses.

So, once again: nice job bad-mouthing our kids and our schools, Chris. You're one hell of a morale booster...

Anyway, we had about ten thousand relatives and friends drop by for the big day, and then a ridiculously huge