Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hogwarts University for Education Reform | EduShyster

Hogwarts University for Education Reform | EduShyster:

Hogwarts University for Education Reform

What if there was a way to combine the two fiercest urgencies of today: college preparation and reforming our failed and failing public schools? Reader: I’ve got some great news. Pack up the beer pong table and the Mötley Crüe poster—we’re headed to college. Welcome to50CAN University, the college for people who want to put other people on a path to college.
Meet the faculty
The most important part of any higher education experience is the drinking games and the casual sex the faculty, and you won’t believe the superstars who have signed on to be 50CAN University professors. Let’s meet them, shall we?
Who knew that Sojourner Truth would turn out to be as passionate about ending teacher tenure as she was about abolishing slavery? Or that Clara Lemlich, who organized a massive strike of lady garment workers in New York, has returned just in time to denounce the female-dominated teachers unions? Of course it is no surprise to learn that the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who once shamed the Argentine military dictatorship for the disappearance of their children, are now denouncing seniority-based layoffs. You can learn more about all of the