Monday, June 10, 2013

UPDATE: FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Monday, June 10, 2013

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

A.J. Duffy, still-feisty former teachers union chief, retires

Education Headlines

Monday, June 10, 2013

'Satellite' lunch program to grow

Thirty-one Fresno Unified elementary schools will soon replace their hot-meal programs with pre-packaged breakfasts and lunches, a plan the district says could save costs. Cafeteria workers argue the plan violates employee contracts.

San Juan superintendent seen as bully, reformer

Glynn Thompson's defenders say he is a change agent and that some administrators just didn't like that he was shaking things up, demanding that principals in the 47,000-student district get more involved in shaping classroom instruction. His critics, including former administrators, counter that Thompson is mean-spirited, a bully who unfairly retaliated against people who challenged his authority.

South County grand jury transcripts posted

U-T Watchdog presents here several volumes of grand jury transcripts from secret proceedings in November and December leading up to hundreds of corruption charges against 15 officials and contractors in South County school districts.

A.J. Duffy, still-feisty former teachers union chief, retires

His career in education ends after two years at Phoenix High, working with students who need a second chance. He said he could relate.

Castro Valley schools overpaid retired teachers with Medicare benefit

Some retired teachers were shocked this month to find that a Medicare benefit paid for by the school district for years was illegal.

Brentwood principal transferring to district office after handling of child abuse allegations is probed

A school principal whose handling of child abuse allegations was being investigated by the school district will be leaving her post and taking a job in the district office, the Brentwood school district said Saturday.

Frey: Elk Grove program brings stability, sense of normalcy to foster you

Shuffled from home to home and school to school, often with no one to turn to for guidance and support, foster youth can end up feeling isolated, alienated and without purpose. A simple but effective program at Elk Grove Unified is helping to restore a sense of normalcy and stability to the lives of foster students, allowing them to connect to their school and community.

Separating fact from fiction about Common Core education standards

A backlash against the Common Core educational standards for grade school has hit the radio talk shows and Internet blogs in recent weeks. But what are they, and what will they do?

Inglewood schools' slide steepens despite state takeover

Many in Inglewood thought the city's struggling school district had been handed a lifeline last year when the state Department of Education took the reins, hiring new leaders and infusing the school system with $55 million in emergency loans to get it back on track. But in the nine months since the state takeover, the district's slide has gotten worse.
Friday, June 7, 2013

Standard superintendent leaving for Panama-Buena Vista

The Panama-Buena Vista Union School District has tentatively chosen Standard School District Superintendent Kevin Silberberg to take over the position being vacated by retiring Superintendent Kip Hearron.

MORENO VALLEY: Residents challenge school board member’s appointment

A petition was filed to remove the Moreno Valley school board member appointed to replace Mike Rios. Residents are seeking to void the appointment of Gary Baugh and force an election. They have about 2,000 signatures and believe they need about 1,500.

Deputy Mayor Joan Sullivan named CEO of Partnership for LA Shools

Joan Sullivan, the education deputy to outgoing Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, has been named CEO of the 22-campus Partnership for Los Angles Schools, officials said Wednesday.