Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ed Notes Online: The Worm Turns on Ed Deform in Indiana as the NEW Status Quo Comes Under Attack

Ed Notes Online: The Worm Turns on Ed Deform in Indiana as the NEW Status Quo Comes Under Attack:

The Worm Turns on Ed Deform in Indiana as the NEW Status Quo Comes Under Attack

Indiana’s love affair with so-called school reform is cooling. Serious cracks are showing in the relationship between lawmakers and anti-labor, pro-privatization forces that have fueled the so-called reform with millions in campaign contributions.... Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette 
For the last decade we have been attacked as status quoers by the deformers, which was so funny given that some of  us have been fighting the status quo since the early 70s. Joel Klein couldn't get a sentence out with resorting to the mentioning the old SQ while establishing the new SQ. But given that ed deform has been actively been pushed since Chicago, 1994, the deformers are now the SQ and real reformers have been on the counter attack, with new organizations springing up all over the