Thursday, June 27, 2013

Daily Kos: Obama thinks same sex marriages should be recognized everywhere

Daily Kos: Obama thinks same sex marriages should be recognized everywhere:

Obama thinks same sex marriages should be recognized everywhere

I just received a breaking news email from Politico, the key contents of which are this:
President Barack Obama said on Thursday that he believes that same-sex marriages performed in one state should apply in another."It's my personal belief -- and I'm speaking now as a president [not] as a lawyer -- if you're married in Massachusetts and you move someplace else, you're still married," he said at a press conference with his Senegalese counterpart, in Dakar, Senegal.
"But again, I'm speaking as a president and not as a lawyer," he cautioned, saying that lawyers in his administration are working out the details of what Wednesday's Supreme Court rulings will mean. That work is being done by the executive branch in a "systematic and prompt way," he 

Three paragraphs from Charles M. Blow

in his New York Times columnJoining Together in Justice, provide as good a summary of the Supreme Court decisions this week as I think can be made.
The whole column is worth reading.  I will urge you to do so.
But let me offer these three paragraphs, the final three of his wonderful column, which he prefaces by reminding us of the words of King that “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
And remember that it is no coincidence that there is quite a bit of overlap among the states that were covered by the Voting Rights Act, those that have constitutional bans on same-sex marriage, those with some of the most restrictive abortion laws and those that have considered or passed