Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Common Core is “Conservative” to the Core? | Truth in American Education

Common Core is “Conservative” to the Core? | Truth in American Education:

Common Core is “Conservative” to the Core?

There is an orchestrated push on the part of Common Core advocates to publish nonsense in local papers and other publication.  We can’t respond to each and every piece here, but this particular post should cause a collective eye roll.
Chester Finn and Michael Pretrilli of the Fordham Institute wrote a piece published in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that must be addressed.
They say the Common Core State Standards should make conservatives happy, and they give six reasons.
1. Fiscal responsibility.
Yes I am not joking, that was their opening pitch to Wisconsinites.  They write:
The Common Core protects taxpayer dollars by setting world-class academic standards for student achievement — and taxpayers and families deserve real results for their money. Wisconsin has already invested time and money to implement the new standards, and many districts have already spent scarce dollars training teachers for Common Core’s increased rigor. Calling for a do-over at this point would waste time and money already expended.
First off, these are not world class.  Secondly I agree that taxpayers and families deserve real results for their